Smooth and Energetic, yet Calming...
Is that even possible,lol,thats not a combination you hear or see everyday.
I dig the overall composition of the song, like a trance-ish techno song. I didn't expect the random "Ow" and other sound FX,but that doesn't take away from the listening pleasure. I really enjoyed this a lot. You are improving VASTLY with each and every song you produce. Pretty soon everyone on "teh internetz" will kno of you.
I don't see this being used in a Sonic game (unless it would be Sonic Chronicles 2) It could be a tutorial or practice level in a Sonic game or in any game for that matter. I feel as though it would be best used in a Space-themed game, fighting game, or puzzle game.
Overall it was excellently composed. Seemless transitons between phases in the song and a very smooth, chill-ax vibe earn you a....
~DJ Myke~